Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Tunes:"somedays"// regina spektor

This weekend was amazing. Virginia is where my heart seems to lie these days and going back there really helped me see that I need to get myself back to the south. I am not, however, allowing myself to do that until 2011 at least. So. New England can enjoy me for now.

Anyways, this weekend was wonderful because of all the great weather (and sunshine!) and old friends and haunts that I got to see. Nothing beats driving to the top of Reddish Knob with the foliage being red, bright yellow and bright orange. Nothing beats listening to Aretha Franklin late at night catching up with 2 dudes with whom you could spend DAYS talking music and life with. Nothing beats breakfast at The Little Grill in good company...or FLAXJACKS! Nothing beats pitstops in New Jersey to see one of your best friends. Nope. Nothing.

I feel rejuvenated. Seeing some folks reminded me of things I'd like to get a handle on in my life. Reminded me that I need to get more motivated. So I'm going to try and do that.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a quote I recently found from one of my most favorite authors, Edith Wharton. I have always loved her; she wrote House of Mirth and Ethan Frome...she was a revolutionary in so many senses, and at the same time she was a rebel...a guilded-age Riot Grrl, you could say. She wrote books-- often racy, often blowing the doors off of the sham-glitzy lives of the privledged-- and did so beautifully, in a time where men dominated literature. Men still do. She's STILL a revolutionary. Anyways. Here's the quote...

"Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive." -Edith Wharton

As if it were possible, I love her more now than before.

In any case, things are well, life is good and I am pressing onward. I get to see the family this weekend! Very excited about that. Tyler and I also have a craft project to get working on. Pretty pumped about all things. It feels good be be rejuvenated!

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