Friday, October 17, 2008

BEST night in AGES...

Tunes:"sawdust man"// ben kweller

At current, I am home! It is wonderful already as the leaves are everywhere and the weather is cool. I am still riding the high from yesterday, though-- which between 9 hours on the road, lots of walking, great vegan food, amazing show from Ben Kweller AND an amazing and unexpected WIN from the Sox..while I was IN Boston...was just a whirlwind of fun and soul reviving.

I left the 'burg at 7:30, and arrived in Brighton at I made GREAT time. I walked from Michelle's house on Dustin Street to Alli's place over on Sutherland Rd. We caught a bus to Cambridge for super tasty vegan food from this little cozy place called Veggie Planet...

Had some peanut curry rice dish...yum. Then we caught the red line, then the green line ("the destination of this train is: Boston College") over to The Paradise to see BEN KWELLER! We found a spot up on the 2nd floor and enjoyed...

BK was, as expected, fantastic. Easily the happiest performer I have ever watched play...he played my favorite, "Lizzy," amongst all his quintessential tunes ("the rules," "falling," "penny on a train track") as well as most of his new Country/Honky-Tonky EP. Alli, Nik & I danced and sang like fools. :]

After the show, while on our way out of the Paradise, Nik & I popped into the bar to see the score of the Sox game, as it had supposedly not been going too well. Top of the 8th, the Sox had pulled 6 runs up and were a run away from tying up the game. Clearly, as devoted baseball fans, we decided to watch the rest of the game. In the meantime, BK's band (bassist, drummer & slide-guitarist) came into the bar to see the score...Nik immediately befriended the dudes, got them drinks and insisted on high-fiving them incessantly.

THEN, after the most dramaticly long at-bat ever in the bottom of the ninth, Coco was able to tie it up, and THEN he brought the game to an end with his single in the 10th...8-7, Sox! It felt like when the boys were able to come-back in 2004 (remember "Cowboy Up"? haha) and I am so happy to say that I got to kind of be in the thick of it. We were all hollering at the screen, ooh-ing & ah-ing at every fouled ball, every strike, every ball. We all held our breaths and then erupted when we saw the players rush the field. We all slapped fives and hugges strangers, it was crazy. While I wasn't AT Fenway, a few blocks away I was celebrating as if I had just seen it in person...

[it was a little something like this, haha]

That's what is so awesome about Boston sports-- every game is like a championship win and every game is just as intense at a local bar or pizza place or convenience store as it is at the field. It felt so good to be a part of that silly baseball culture again last night; I don't get much of that in Virginia, that's for sure.

Then this morning, Pumpkin Coffee from Dunkins with Michelle before heading back here to the homestead? Mmm. Just the way to end a whirlwind 24 hours.

In short-- yesterday has rejuvinated my spirit in many senses, particularly in the sense of intensifying my resolve to come back here after I get my Master's next year. Ha, as if my resolve wasn't already pretty intense. The way I feel when I am walking through Sullivan Square or down Commonwealth Ave is something I can not compare to how I feel anywhere else. The cold air is crisp and the hustle & bustle is soothing, with the Citgo sign keeping an eye out from above Landsdowne Street. The traffic is insane and so are half the people...but it feels like HOME to me. I can't wait until I get to call it home.

In the meantime, enough computer time.
Much love!

Saturday, October 4, 2008



best political/celebrity video I've seen in a long time...

happy weekend!

Friday, October 3, 2008

this is what the world is for- making electricity!

Tunes:"electric feel"// MGMT

firstly, I have listened to this song more times than I'd like to acknowledge this week. Collin came over on Monday night and we figured out the melody on my glockenspiel, and since then it is playing over and over in my head as well as on my iTunes. If you are unfamiliar, please check it out on youtube- disregard the trippiness of the video, I'm pretty sure the dudes that comprise MGMT are on lots of illegal substances, however, they have made some sweet tunes, so I guess that's excusable for the purposes of this paragraph.

anyways, I haven't been very good about showing everyone what my new apartment looks like and since I am so uninterested in working on my budget proposal, I figured that would be a good way to use up some time. :]

[living room, from front door]

[dining area, from front door...that doorway is to my bedroom]

[breakfast bar/ junk counter from front doorway]

[different perspective of living/dining area]

[my polaroid favorite thing in my living room]

[tv hutch & window ledge of pictures]

[big kitchen...with a mini-stove. oh well]

[my bedroom is too messy, but here's my dresser!]

[office I rarely use]

[tiny bathroom, but it's cool]

[my other door...this is what the residents tend to come to]

So there is your [virtual] grand tour! I feel like I have wasted a sufficient amount of time now. One more thing before I wrap up this post- I've been trying desperately to grow out my hair. I haven't cut it since the beginning of's finally starting to look like I'm growing it out. Hooray!

Hopefully by next spring I'll be able to do more with it and look a little less ridiculous come job interview season. Not that I looked ridiculous, but I dunno- the "flying comet" look [as Ricker & Scotty affectionately refer to is as] is getting a bit old.

Now, I NEED...NEED to work on homework.
Which is what I'll be doing all weekend. Fabulous.
<3 much love!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

reasons to love new hampshire...

Tunes:"Cherbourg"// Beirut

I was trying to work on my Budget assignment for SimU, but instead found myself on Wikipedia reading up on the demographics for NH versus Virginia, among other factoids about the 2 states. What follows are some of my favorite fun facts!

-The first permanent settlement was at Hilton's Point (present-day Dover). By 1631, the Upper Plantation comprised modern-day Dover, Durham and Stratham; in 1679, it became the "Royal Province.
[my favorite part of the state- dirty dover!]

-The largest ancestry group in New Hampshire is 26.6% French (French or French Canadian). New Hampshire has the highest percentage of residents of French/French-Canadian ancestry of any U.S. state.
[damn straight!]

-A survey suggests that people in New Hampshire and Vermont are less likely to attend weekly services and are less likely to believe in God (54%) than people in the rest of the nation (71%). The two states are at the lowest levels among states in religious commitment.
[ha, interesting]

-According to the Energy Information Administration, New Hampshire’s energy consumption and per capita energy consumption are among the lowest in the country.

-The House of Representatives in Concord is the fourth-largest legislative body in the English speaking world with 400 members. Only the United States House of Representatives, the British House of Commons and the British House of Lords are larger.
[talk about adequate representation, huh?]

-New Hampshire is an alcoholic beverage control state, and through the State Liquor Commission it takes in $100 million from the sale and distribution of liquor. The state also leads the country in per capita sales of all forms of alcohol.

-As of January 1, 2008, civil unions are legal in New Hampshire, giving all the rights associated with marriage in the state to same-sex couples. New Hampshire was the first state in the country to deem civil unions legal without any court action to prompt the decision.
[so proactive!!]

-New Hampshire has been known for a Libertarian-like political tradition that values individual freedom and limited exercise of state governmental powers. The Free State Project selected New Hampshire as its destination due to its "Live Free or Die" libertarian-esque heritage.


I was going to post fun facts about Virginia, but the fact of the matter is that facts about Virginia are kind of boring- the state is big, the median income is around $60k, while NH's is around $37k, african-americans make up 19% of the state's population and 8 presidents were born here. It's just too big to really think abut any of this stuff as cool. Ha.

Maybe I'll go do work now? Maybe.

ps. I'm at the big, fancy new library on campus and I just burped out embarrassing.