Somewhere in that sea of a million or so people is my friend Erin and myself-- bundled in knit hats and fleece scarfs, wavin' a flag and chanting "yes we DID!" for the 20th time that day. I can honestly say that despite the cold, the wind, the long lines, the slow trains, the long walk, the half-frozen ground, the sore back, the runny nose, the numb toes, the tired eyes...despite all of that, yesterday was easily one of the most memorable days of my life. Not only was I a part of a campaign- a movement- that rejuvenated young Americans and their passion in their citizenship, but I was able to be a part of the culmination of all the time, effort and energy (and faith) put in by countless others like me-- standing on the mall, watching the sunrise over the Capitol and celebrating the end of one political era and the beginning of another. I WAS THERE!
When my kids read about the first African-American, Bi-Racial President, they'll be able to ask me what it was like to be a part of that moment in history and I'll not only have an answer, but a story. Isn't that one of the biggest parts of life? Having a story to tell to others?
That being said, at the moment I have no idea where to start. So, instead of jumbling a bunch of words on the page here, I'm going to share the link to all my photos (and their descriptions) and encourage anyone who's curious about the experience of being at the inauguration to click through them and see what I saw... Operation Hope & Change
Also, it needs to be said that I am so happy to be lucky enough to have a friend like Erin to share the experience with. I feel like few people I know would have stuck it out like she did yesterday with me.
Happy Day One, everybody!
<3 Leigh
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