I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd say Virginia was a land of enchantment sometimes. If it weren't for the smell of the chicken processing plants, the sound of sirens everywhere, and the vast amount of pretentious, uptight college kids, I would tell everyone I know that this place is the ideal place to be. I'm beginning to understand how strong the traditions of Virginians are-- particularly in this little city nicknamed Rocktown. The 'burg is such a weird mix of people. The ones who make the place really exciting, vibrant and comfortable are the ones who are tied to the land, the ideals and overwhelmingly, the spirit and MUSIC of the area. I'm amazed at how much I still have to learn about Bluegrass music, but I feel like there isn't a week that goes by where I am not educated a bit about the roots, the foundations and the traditions of a music that continues to serve locals who need a way to forget about the week's trials and tribulations. They come 'round for a "fiddle and a dance," and they pluck their upright bass', banjos and mandolins hauntingly and in perfect syncopation. I am always a little awestruck when I am able to sit transfixed on a Bluegrass band playing live.
Like right now.
I've been working on my resume, and agonizing over the portfolio I haven't started, at this little tea shop called the Earth & Tea Cafe.

It's got this super warm, earthy (ha) vibe and it's filled with Indian tapestries and Chinese lanterns and old tea kettles. I don't come here too often- as I am sort of still in the honeymoon phase with my relationship with coffee, I tend to opt for caffination over relaxation. Tonight, this just seemed right. As I've been sipping Chamomile (much like Gwen Stefani would say), a group of older men and women slowly trickled in with musical instrument cases. I gather they're a Bluegrass band-- or maybe something more a kin to a group of friends jamming on a Friday night.
Either way, there's a short woman with long, flowing gray and white hair, who's wrapped in a wool sweater, and a pink strap fastening her acoustic guitar to her front. She's got these lazy braids holding back pieces of her hair, and there's this certain air of dreamy, knowingness about her-- especially as she sings, beautifully, about coal mines, cowboys and mountains.
There's another woman- choppy bangs cover her forehead giving her youth and playfulness in her face. She is sitting while harmonizing and playing the washboard. It's hypnotizing and sorrowful, the song they sing-- fiddle whispering beneath the steady strums of the banjo man. And so I sit here, squeezing honey from the honey bear into my tea cup and think about how I am on the brink, the cusp, the beginning of the end or end of beginning or...I'm just about to begin a new chapter? And it just feels like a scene from a movie. Weary girl's about to go out there and live life, or find life to live...something like that. And this band comes in and reminds her what her true love is- musica!
[edit: I found out these people call themselves the Keezletones, since they are from Keezletown-- which is a town away]
Last night was a reminder of this. I spent the evening (as I usually do on Thursdays) at the Little Grill Collective along with my usual LGC crew- and also Natalie, a friend from undergrad who recently got an internship down here (it was so nice to have a little taste of home). We took up this huge table and as open mic started, the place was just chaos and music and laughter and...sing a longs! And jaw harps, harmonicas, pancakes, bagels, maple syrup, lots of tea, inside jokes, crazy poems, some beatniks, some hippies and some beer. I wish I could have filmed last night, it would serve as the perfect illustration to what I love about being down here and why I hold LGC so close to my heart.
One thing for sure is this town and its music has seeped into me more than I ever thought it would. I will for sure move out of the 'burg, and I'll find my way elsewhere in the world, but I've definitely got a soft spot for this place now and I think I always will.
On a fairly unrelated note, my hair is getting long and it makes me tremendously happy about it. I can wear a bandana around my hair like a headband now without the hair sticking up all weird in the back! It's little things, everyday, that make us happy and keeps us going.
Now- it's time to celebrate Bianca's birthday!
Much love from the valley!