Look at how savvy I've become-- I've discovered a way to add music tracks of what I'm listening to for everyone reading to also enjoy! Ha!
Anyways, I realize it's been about a month since I last wrote. Uncle Dave called me out during Thanksgiving back home, saying how much he looked forward to my posts and how he was so upset that I hadn't written one since gloating about Obama's win. Well, now that I am well rested from celebrating such a historic event, I think it's high-time I got back to writing in here more regularly. Also, this one's for you Uncle Dave! :]
The last month has been insanely busy. My school work, which has been steadily piling up, only got worse. Right now, however-- despite how I am currently using this blog as a means to procrastinate from doing work-- I am pretty devoid of work. While there are a few things needing to get done asap, I am feeling pretty good about it all. In less than 2 weeks, I'll be back in New Hampshire for a month! Which is great, seeing as I just got back from a week-long stint in the 6-0-3. I'm already anxious to go back. Go figure.
It seems as though I have nothing much to speak of in terms of goings-on.
I'm going vegetarian again, which feels like a good decision. I've been doing so much vegan baking lately, it just feels like the natural progression of things. I've been washing my face every night before I go to bed, I've been talking to people I miss and enjoy immensely and I've been driving around at night, looking into illuminated windows as I pass...not in a creepy way! There's something therapeutic about seeing how other halves live, and seeing glowing television sets cast blue hues through window panes. Christmas lights are strung along eaves and bushes, in trees and in doorways and I wear a knit cap whenever I can. The weather has been cold. In my spare time I've been working on crossword puzzles, studying French (Quebecoise) and trying to catch up on sleep. I've been connecting more with people from the radio station, I've seen Christopher Evans and Kristen Selheim a bunch in the last week, which in itself makes me very smiley...

Things are great.
I'll be sure to write more in here soon.
Much love from the chilly Valley!
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