I'm not quite sure where to start!
This week involved a lot of good things.
Tuesday, our next president (Barack Obama) came and spoke at JMU! To ensure that I would get in (our convocation center only holds 8,000 people) and get a good spot (and because all my meetings and classes were canceled), Hannah and I went to get in line at 6am. Eight and a half hours later, after sufficiently chapping my lips, getting wind burn on my face, making lots of new friends and not doing any reading for class, the doors opened and I was able to have pretty much first pick of seats in the convo.
Once inside, we had to wait another couple hours for the event to start, but once it did, it was amazing. I can't really describe what all of it was like, it's a very larger than life kind of moment...it reminded me of what it must have been like to be AT fenway when the Sox came back during game 5 last month. Seriously, everyone was so EXCITED for this one man to step up to the podium and speak to all of us, the energy was incredible. And so was Barack.
My friend Mike took some amazing photos (he had a press pass) and I can not link them here, but check them out on his website: Miriello Photography
To make the day even better than it was, Hannah and I were featured on a local news station (abc 3) and I was quoted in the local newspaper (the daily news record). The article is actually pretty great.
So come Wednesday, I was exhausted and my face hurt, but I pressed on! I fed my staff homemade pumpkin pie at staff meeting, and then Thursday I had a "Tricks & Treats" themed radio show. The "trick" being that most of the songs I was playing were not the originals (all covers) and the "treat" was spooky-themed songs. It was kind of lame, but I enjoyed playing Bluegrass versions of my favorite pop songs.
My hall council ordered our hall t-shirts Thursday, too. They're going to be fantastic- and look just like the "Virginia is for Lovers" t-shirts, only they will instead say "Trees are for Huggers" which is pretty catchy, right? Haha.

I drove up to Arlington Thursday night and stayed with Aunt Joce at her fancy pants hotel in Crystal City. Such a good break after a tiring week. The bed in that hotel was amazing, too-- so I slept like a baby and got to catch up a little bit.
Finally, Friday (yesterday) was Halloween. Armed with polaroid film that Kate got for me (LOVE YOU), and attemting a sort of lame interpretation of Garth from Wayne's World (without a Wayne!) I headed out to the most grown up Halloween party I have ever attended. It was great- probably the first time I haven't been worried about whether or not I'd be running into underage people at a house party in...well, ever. I got to catch up with HD's I worked with last year, Becca and Jess, as well a few people from my program who happen to be associated to Becca and her roommates, too. It was fun, and I think I looked pretty cute at least...

Today is Homecoming here. I was going to tailgate with my cohort, but I'm just not feeling like it. Instead, I'm going to make some soup and get some work done here. How obnoxious that this post sounds very chronological and boring, but I felt like this week was so good it warranted a chronological re-cap. Haha.
Just a couple weeks to Thanksgiving!
Till then, much love!
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