firstly, I have listened to this song more times than I'd like to acknowledge this week. Collin came over on Monday night and we figured out the melody on my glockenspiel, and since then it is playing over and over in my head as well as on my iTunes. If you are unfamiliar, please check it out on youtube- disregard the trippiness of the video, I'm pretty sure the dudes that comprise MGMT are on lots of illegal substances, however, they have made some sweet tunes, so I guess that's excusable for the purposes of this paragraph.
anyways, I haven't been very good about showing everyone what my new apartment looks like and since I am so uninterested in working on my budget proposal, I figured that would be a good way to use up some time. :]

[living room, from front door]

[dining area, from front door...that doorway is to my bedroom]

[breakfast bar/ junk counter from front doorway]

[different perspective of living/dining area]

[my polaroid favorite thing in my living room]

[tv hutch & window ledge of pictures]

[my bedroom is too messy, but here's my dresser!]

[office I rarely use]

[tiny bathroom, but it's cool]

[my other door...this is what the residents tend to come to]
So there is your [virtual] grand tour! I feel like I have wasted a sufficient amount of time now. One more thing before I wrap up this post- I've been trying desperately to grow out my hair. I haven't cut it since the beginning of's finally starting to look like I'm growing it out. Hooray!

Hopefully by next spring I'll be able to do more with it and look a little less ridiculous come job interview season. Not that I looked ridiculous, but I dunno- the "flying comet" look [as Ricker & Scotty affectionately refer to is as] is getting a bit old.
Now, I NEED...NEED to work on homework.
Which is what I'll be doing all weekend. Fabulous.
<3 much love!
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