I had gone so far as to write this really long, drawn-out and (lets be honest) boring post about summer-- particularly in relation to my job...and I reread what I'd written and realized that no one would read it. Even if they wanted to. So. Here's the long and the short:
-I am still living & working down in Dudley, even though all my students are gone (8:30am-4:30pm everyday)
-Contrary to popular belief, there's things to do on a college campus in the summer. A lot, actually.
-Regardless of this, it still feels like I'm getting a break (no students & thus, no duty)
AND, even shorter: It's summer. Life is good.
I'm writing this as I sit in Panera, an establishment that has seen far too much of my patronage the last couple years (this location, and moreover the location in Harrisonburg...I haunted that place). I brought my laptop with me in hopes of getting a recommendation letter written, but instead I got caught up in people watching and drifting off into my own world. And here I be.
Since my last update nothing earth-shattering has occurred-- which is probably a good thing, right?
Just the same. A Quick recap...
-I successfully baked a batch of those awesome looking PB&J cookies. They were a pain in the ass to create. But, once complete, people (ie: my staff) couldn't get over how fantastic they were. Score. :)

-I've officially started seeing about a boy. He's kind of been in the picture since...November, yowzers. But it took us till March to really decide to see about it. And I'm glad. He's pretty great, is adorable, has his shit together and cares about music as much as me. He recently moved to Burlington, Vermont, so I'll likely be making a fair number of trips up there this summer.
-I turned 25 and celebrated in Boston with my best friends...I went to my first Red Sox game of the year/season, partied a bit in Allston with Mel, Margo & Jacqueline, hung out with the dude and finally tried Grasshopper (a vegetarian/vegan asian restaurant in Allston). A fantastic weekend to be 25. Ha.

-I survived my first closing at Nichols, emerged mostly unscathed and with loads of pride in my staff. Booya.
So, all in all, everything is great. All that I need is for the weather to keep on getting better. It's still been so cold! But the sun's out, and the sky is blue and there's iced coffee in my cup. Can not complain. :)
Hope this finds you well, wherever it finds you!
<3 Leigh